Plastic Straws: Before Times Who of us is old enough to remember when people enjoyed drinking their beverages with plastic straws? They were vibrant, playful and made drinking an adventure. You could get them in a variety of colours and designs. But as time went on, people began to realize that plastic straws are not great for the environment. And they take ages to decompose, so they end up staying in our world for a bunch of time. But these can really hurt animals and our planet. As a result, small paper straws have become popular instead!
Change Paper Straws have already started! Paper straws are being used now in many restaurants, cafes and yes some big corporations like Starbucks or MacDonald. Due to the complete reason that paper straws are great for planet earth. Recycled paper refers to any kind of new products that can be processed from waste scraps or unsold product inventories from companies. Because they break down so easily and quickly, paper straws do not have the same adverse effects on animals or nature that plastic products like straws.
Strokes: You can also use this small paper straws to help heal our planet. This equates doing things in a way that is Earth friendly. We now, with the use of paper straws can drink anything we wish while preserving animals such as sea turtles and birds. They can innocently breathe plastic straws into their nostrils, or eats them by mistake and it really makes them ill for they die because of that. We can choose the options such as paper straws to help save these animals and their homes.
To some of you, it may seem that small paper straws are fragile and break easily when in fact they can be very strong! The are rolled from heavy paper stock which gives them their strength and handling capabilities to contain liquids. You can make lots of different kinds of drinks with them: juice, soda, and even delicious milkshakes. Another added bonus is that the fact paper straws decompose quickly means we can rest easy knowing that they won't be clogging up landfills or ending up in our oceans, a big issue.
It starts with tiny changes such as small paper straws that go a long way keeping the environment safe. Each year billions of plastic straws are thrown away and a large majority find their way into our oceans. This is also harmful for sea animals and pollutes our water. This gives something to national waste as well, using paper straw can be a positive step towards decreasing the total existing of plastic crap. This demonstrates that we care about our environment and the part that me play on earth, so are all working hard to make slight changes for its protection.
If you would like to contribute even a little towards the earth, use small paper straws and not plastic ones. Paper straws are also being sold in many restaurants and cafes so when you go to eat outside or drink do not forget your paper straw! You can also get paper straws from a local store or order it online for home. It really is on the smaller side, but this little change can make a huge difference for our planet and all the beings that rely upon it.
Fancyco was established in 2004, has established a small paper straws reputation as a leader in the business of printing and packaging products in the past 20 years. As a gold-certified supplier on Alibaba, we marked an important milestone in our commitment towards quality and customer satisfaction.
Fancyco has small paper straws successfully into over 80 countries and areas around the world. In 2015 we positioned ourself as the No.1 company for stickers and hygiene products in Nigeria and Uganda, demonstrating our capability to expand and dominate markets with high-end products and top-quality service.
Our factory established in 2005 boasts a large production capacity that includes 500+ sets of equipment and more than small paper straws molds We focus on strict quality control in all of our manufacturing processes ensuring supreme quality machines which meet the strictest standards Every step from CAD-CAM through powder coating and professional assembly is performed with a high degree of precision to guarantee quality and reliability of the products
With small paper straws than 25 years of RD expertise Fancyco is dedicated to continuous improvement The technology center at Fancyco is supported by an expert RD team with an average of more than 15 years of experience This expertise enables us to create cutting-edge products and solutions that address the evolving requirements of our global clients